Bear Creek Elementary School
Bond Proposal
District-Wide Items at This Campus
Upgrades to Playground Equipment
Classroom Upgrades
New furniture
Cabinet replacement
Replacement student and teacher mobile devices
Replacement printers
Classroom interactive devices
Projectors and document cameras
Classroom and office desktop computer
*(Costs not included in above total)
Campus Items
Repair Drainage Issues
Accessibility Improvements
HVAC Replacement and Repairs
Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Repairs
Kitchen Equipment Upgrades
Library Upgrades
New furniture, equipment and genius bar
Renovations for new collaboration areas
Site Improvements
Retaining Wall
Additional Student Restrooms
Security Upgrades
Upgrade intercom system
Additional two-way radios
Replace exterior and interior surveillance cameras
Add emergency phone in shelter location
Safety Upgrades
Carbon monoxide detectors
New classroom door hardware to support emergency lockdown and comply with fire code
Bond Projects by Campus
Select from the options below to learn more about what is proposed for each facility.
Elementary Schools