FIRST Meeting - October 6, 2015


Chief Operations Officer Paula Barbaroux began tonight’s meeting by calling attention to handouts provided; the most important of which was the Schedule & Important Dates. The Schedule outlines major milestones for the group for the next four months and includes a proposed schedule for future community input by using the Thoughtexchange Process in November.

Ms. Barbaroux then turned time over to Shea Kirkman and Louie Sullins, FIRST co-chairs. Mr. Sullins introduced himself to the group and then read an excerpt about LEAD 2021 - the GCISD Strategic Plan - to emphasize the purpose and foundation of FIRST. Mr. Kirkman then took time to introduce himself to the team and shared his thoughts on the value of FIRST, encouraging team members to keep an open mind as they evaluate tough decisions over the next few months. Mr. Kirkman also challenged team members to support the recommendations of the group that will be reached through consensus.

Ms. Barbaroux then asked Superintendent of Schools Dr. Robin Ryan to share a brief message with the team. He explained that it’s an exciting time since the team will take a break from learning and hearing from district staff, and will now begin discussing project ideas. Dr. Ryan also shared a message from the Board of Trustees, which has been summarized in the “Brainstorming Session Future Bond Package” handout. Dr. Ryan then shared highlights from the document.

He again thanked team members for their work and then turned time back to Ms. Barbaroux. She then encouraged groups to begin working, asking them to appoint a scribe and a chairperson and then begin discussing the projects.


Subcommittee Work Time

The remainder of the meeting was dedicated to team members working in their groups.